/* USAGE for Confirmation Box: xp_popup("Confirmation Title", "This is the popup dialog text, do you want to continue?", { "Yes" : function(){ // Continues code... }, "No" : function(){ // Does not continue... } }); USAGE for Alert Box: xp_popup("Alert Title", "This is the popup dialog text.", { "OK" : function(){ // Continues code... } }); USAGE for multi-option of custom option popup box: xp_popup("Popup Title", "This is the popup dialog text", { "Option 1" : function(){}, "Option 2" : function(){}, "Option 3" : function(){}, ... }); */ var init_font = false; window.silent = false; window.downloadFont = function(){ var css = document.createElement("STYLE"); css.innerHTML = "@font-face{ font-family: WinXP; src: url('https://xobyte.org/files/fonts/win.woff'); }"; document.documentElement.appendChild(css); }; window.onmouseup = function(e){ window.mousedownOnTitle = false; var item = false; try { item = e.target.parentElement.parentElement ? e.target.parentElement.parentElement : false; 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